Friday, September 30, 2011


The blog I'm looking at to write about is this one...,4

The response to the 4 questions are here...

In this blog the author is trying to show the development of the US government and military towards the war in Iraq.

The tools that this author uses is a lot of imagery. He has some pictures that show how the game works. And he also uses his experience playing the game.

These tools help the reader to experience the writers thought process and opinion. It helps you see a new soft side of the issue that I think most have not seen before.

He needs the audience to see a new side of the military and to create an understanding with the military not yet achieved. He shows how the military has changed and how they are trying this new thing. This will hopefully improve the public feeling towards the war in Iraq and the military.
I like this blog post as it shows a new side of the Military that I haven't ever seen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My reflections on the Op-ed

I really enjoyed writing this piece as I felt that I was able to share my voice with others about an issue that I really feel passionate about. My only regret on this was that I was not able to write the op-ed how I wanted because I know that I needed to address my audience in a more formal way then I really wanted to. If I could go back I would write the paper with more focused view of my audience being the students and not the police. This is because I am a sarcastic person and I like to use sarcasm in my papers but have the police take me seriously I had to be formal, which was kind of a letdown. But overall I feel that it was a really fun experience that challenged me. I had a lot of fun going to the writing center as they helped me a lot. Another fun thing was this was my first English paper after my mission so it was interesting trying to remember English.  So, overall this was a fun experience.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Parking: Why It’s Important

                Everyone loves their car. A lot of people see their car as an extension of their personality, and because of this are very protective of their car.  I’m one of those people.  I really like my car, and I want to drive it everywhere I can.  But there is one place where I am always reluctant to drive. That place is Provo, home to a long-standing war between parking enforcement personnel and BYU and UVU students. I address my paper to the Provo police and other parking enforcers who, I hope, will be willing to listen to my suggestions and gain a better understanding of the students’ views on this sensitive topic.  The result, I believe, would be fewer tickets and better relations between the parking enforcement personnel and the community they serve.  

With this issue parking enforcers stand at one end, diligently trying to fulfill their jobs to the highest degree possible. They understand the laws and regulations that govern parking in the city, and are trying to enforce them to keep the city streets orderly and safe.  The enforcement tools are tickets and towing, and the belief that without enforcement parking would soon become unmanageable and unsafe. Without tickets and towing, what would stop students from parking in an unsafe manner or in spaces that are rightly reserved for faculty and staff, for business use, and for people who are paying to live in apartments? Thus enforcers view the tickets and tows as a good thing because this enforces the rules and punishes offenders, while helping to maintain an orderly society.  This is all true. I understand and acknowledge the essential role that they play in maintaining order and ensuring safety.  But there is a better way to achieve that same goal. But before I describe it, I think we need to consider the other side of the story – the students’ side.

Parking is a touchy subject for many BYU and UVU students and Provo residents because many have been with what they see as unfair or excessively picky parking tickets.  It seems like almost everyone at BYU has a story about someone receiving a parking ticket, or a boot, or a tow for a very minor infraction. Many of these infractions were committed unintentionally because the driver was not familiar with the often confusing rules of parking enforcement in Provo. Let me share a few of those stories.  One friend’s car sat in a parking spot that was one parking spot out of his apartment building’s allocation.  He lives in an apartment that shares a parking lot with other houses, and each apartment or house uses a different parking sticker and is allocated a certain number of parking spaces. The spaces aren’t well marked, and my friend, who didn’t know he was doing anything wrong, parked his car one spot outside the limit of his apartment. During the night his car was towed, costing him one hundred and fifty dollars plus the time and stress involved in getting his car back.  Several friends have been cited for parking more than 12 inches away from the curb, which appears to be the infraction of choice among some parking enforcers. My brother was cited for parking over the line of the parking space on a Sunday when he was rushing and late for church.  The lot was mostly empty, so he was not denying anyone space to park.  Another friend’s car was towed for parking on a street where parking was not allowed between midnight and six AM, a fact that was unknown to him since there was no sign posted on the street where he had parked.  He later discovered that the parking restriction was only noted on a small sign at the entrance to the subdivision.  Other friends have been towed for parking at a certain restaurant after hours, mistakenly assuming that the “customer only” restrictions on a lot wouldn’t need to be enforced when the restaurant is closed. These are just a few of the countless examples where students were ticketed or towed for what they see as petty, harmless and unintentional parking infractions.      

Of course, in the examples described previously, all the people that were cited were, technically, in the wrong. These may not have been major infractions, but they were true parking violations. My friend was taking up a spot that someone else had paid for and was expecting to use.  My brother was parking out of the lines.  My friend’s car was on a street where there was no overnight parking, and my friends were parking in a “customers only” lot.   So really, weren’t the parking enforcement personnel just doing their jobs? But why is it always a ticket? Why can’t there be a warning for minor, first time infractions? When my brother parked a touch outside the lines in a nearly-empty lot, couldn’t the point have been made with a simple warning? Wouldn’t this accomplish the same thing – getting him to be more careful next time – but without costing him a lot of money?

Like my friend here who has to pay three parking tickets for failing to park within three inches of the curb.

So what is the “better way” I referred to for solving Provo’s parking problems? Parking enforcers should give warnings for minor infractions and for most first time offenses. Cut them a break.  Students deserve an understanding of parking regulations which is their right and the opportunity to focus on the more important things of life that will determine their future. After all, most students are in the “starving students” category, and the money paid on tickets and towing will be a large part of their monthly budget and will make a difference in their lives. Being ticketed or towed is a fear all students with cars live with, but using warnings would alert students to the rules and generate a more favorable opinion of the police in the eyes of the students.  Also, after getting off with a warning, most students would learn and be much more careful the next time when they would be risking a ticket.  Of course, for repeat offenders or for violations that are flagrant or truly harming someone or causing an unsafe condition, then a ticket should be issued. We understand the need for rules and for consequences when those rules are knowingly broken and we fully support the police in these situations.  We want a safe and orderly society.  But what we ask for is a little more mercy and understanding, and some patience in helping students learn the rules. Giving out warnings on the first violation is a perfect example of this. This will truly help to solve the parking problem, promote awareness of the laws, and in the end create a better atmosphere for all of us to enjoy together.  

We do acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the police in promoting awareness of the rules which is found here:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A true fan

So my blog today is on the Fans of teams everywhere. I’m writing this in response to the terrible loss of BYU at the horns of UT this past weekend.  As a sports fan you are required to have many different attributes. Some of which are as follows, a capacity to scream for long periods of time, you need to be able to stand for a minimum of 3 hours, you need to be able to endure all sorts of weather conditions, you need to be able to coordinate colors with those around you to become one, but most of all I think that you need to be able to have your heart broken time after time and still come back.

                This last attribute is very important as we all know that many times your team will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  As the fan you have to be able to look past that and just except that, but with the capacity of being able to the next day be optimistic about the future of your team and the season.  I truly believe that the fan, the not fair weather fan is some sort of a rare breed.  These are the men who are early to each game who are ready to cheer in any situation and have a seemingly endless storage of hope and faith in their team. I bring this up as this is something that is happening to me every year. I always begin the year very excited and a very hopeful person for the season. But that soon melts every year and I’m forced to just remain with the hope that next year will be better, which is something that’s already happened and will continue to happen for years to come. GO BYU! Blue until the end am I.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The theme of this blog

So what is my blog going to be? I think for any blogger either beginning or already established, this is something they need to consider. How am I going to write or my tone? Will I be funny? Or will I be more serious? What issues will I be addressing in my blog? Who is my audience? What is the impact that I hope to have with my blog? Or what is the message I want to send out? These are all questions of impact that need to be considered in creating a blog.  Sometimes it can be really hard to find that question, that theme that will guide your blog as in this situation here,  But fortunately I don’t have that problem.

For me I am not a very structured person, so I feel that my blog doesn’t need to be the same. My blog will address many different topics and aspects with no common middle theme holding them to a certain way. This will allow me to pick and choose the topics that I will address and express the views I have over a variety of issues that interest me. So in the end what will this blog be? Well… it will be ME.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


This assignment was to brainstorm some ideas about the opinion editorial and the topics that would be acceptable for this. I was thinking about the discussion that we had in the classroom about Facebook. This made me think about writing about how we can use Facebook as a more effective tool in turning us active members of our neighborhoods and our world. My opinion could be that using Facebook we can inform others and use rhetoric to help people go from the just talking of arguments and opinions to really moving and causing action.
 Other options for the opinion paper can be one of the various problems that face us on the BYU campus. For example the lack of parking and the strictness of the parking attendants, who seem to have little to no mercy on college students who are just trying to make ends meet. There are lots of things that I can write about, but these are a couple that seem to really strike my interest.